Kitchen Appliances
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BES881BSS$2,298.004 keys formula used by professional café machines
Impress(TM) Puck System. Less mess
Auto MilQ(TM) features three new alternative milk set
Auto MilQ hands-free microfoam
adjust the milk temperature between 40°C to 75°C
8 levels of texture to suit your taste.
Innovative ThermoJet® heating system
achieves the optimum extraction temperature in 3 s
Baratza European Precision Burrs with 30 grind set -
BES881SST$2,298.004 keys formula used by professional café machines
Impress(TM) Puck System. Less mess
Auto MilQ(TM) features three new alternative milk set
Auto MilQ hands-free microfoam
adjust the milk temperature between 40°C to 75°C
8 levels of texture to suit your taste.
Innovative ThermoJet® heating system
achieves the optimum extraction temperature in 3 s
Baratza European Precision Burrs with 30 grind set
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